Friday, May 25, 2007

Dedicated to the eternal kids

What? You expect me to write something?
Ok. Here for Insanity's sake.
My close pal, Saikat Bose, and me, yours truly - Aparna Kar have one philosophy of life in common. We both hate things in plastic. Anything that's synthetic is vulgar, obscene. Unfortunately to get on in life, we need to resort to some form of "unnaturalness" in our day-to-day lives. Many a times, we know we are not being genuine, but we have to do it, say it and sometimes- believe it.

Now, for a moment, we want you to think of an alternate universe- where everything is like things used to be when we were still kids. When we could sketch the sun blue , the sky green and chocolates grew on trees. In short- no rules.

We invite you to relive those moments again. When you are through with your's day's work and the fancy desk job is done, we ask you to shed all inhibitions, forget all rules and join in our insanity campaign.

Write articles, poems, make sketches- anything at all and mail us at We'll publish it with the due credits.

Oh, it's just the beginning :D


Anonymous said...

Hey you people are doing a great job. Really it will give people chance to express their dreams which otherwise has become the most difficult task these days, At least for me.

Anonymous said...

good move people..
have been reading variegated sky over the past few mnths .....especially to get me out of my grogginess post lunch ..
keep the good wrk going ..